Ideal Kindergarten National & International School

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Curriculum Area

The first area that your child will be introduced to is called Practical Life. In this area, your child will be given the opportunity to practice developing his/her skills in looking after him/herself and the surroundings. For example, children can practice pouring, transferring, sweeping, mopping, washing, folding, develop co-ordination and dexterity skills.

Equipment in the Sensorial area helps to refine each of the five senses. For example, the sound boxes help to develop listening and music skills, colour boxes help develop observation and perception skills. The Sensorial equipment also indirectly prepares the child for later mathematics and language work, as they help the child to order, grade, classify and describe their sensory impressions.

We are working with children studied Mathematics and through observations of children We designed the mathematical equipment used in our classroom. Our children gain a physical impression of concepts such as numbers, counting skills, simple sums, measurement, fractions etc.